SAMO RESNA GLASBA: G. F. Händel - Uvertura v Glasbo za kraljevi ognjemet, ansambel Ars rediviva, dirigent Milan Munclinger
Jadranka Stojaković - Na licu tvom
Oscar Peterson Trio - Should I?
OYGN - To ni muzika
WaqWaq Kingdom - Pure love
nemanja - Death
Doringo - Enofazni Števec
Benjamin Zephaniah– Dis Policeman Keeps On Kicking Me To Death (Lord Scarman Dub)
Male - Polizei, Polizei
Snapped Ankles - Tailpipe
KOIKOI - Bog te ubio
Zicer Inc. - Hali gali
Matter - Zlato v zobeh
iT - Happiness
Safet Isović - Mujo Kuje Konja Po Mjesecu
The Mauskovic Dance Band - Continue the fun - Space version
Derya Yildirim & Grup Şimşek - Gurbet
Beti Đorđević - Bol
Svojat - Ljubavbav
Uranium Club - Who made the man?
The Funkees - Break through
Jimmy Barka Experience - Breakthru
Carla dal Forno - No trace
Injury Reserve– Jailbreak the Tesla
Loraine James - Glitch Bitch
Darla Smoking - Son of a goat
>> 31. 3. @ Gromka
Gazorpazorp - III
>> nova oddaja 1000 decibela! >>
Die Radierer - Von Idioten umgeben
Čao Portorož - Cocks on the rocks
Ottone Pesante - Shining Bronze Purified in the Crucible
Sons of Kemet - My queen is Mamie Phipps Clark