Luka Prinčič - Scena Bass Alto Soli (Outtake) (3:33)
(Dolch) - Ride With The King (5:22)
All Strings Detached - It s Been a While (5:49)
Jukka Nousiainen - Alkusoittoa (4:17)
Minami Deutsch - Concrete Ocean (4:52)
Hollow Sunshine - Miserable (5:46)
Bad Breeding - Psychic Copper (2:06)
Bleed Turquoise - Turn Almond (4:00)
balans - bloki (3:33)
CLZ - Lament (DPND2K) M (4:05)
Truth - Mushrooms EP (DDD036) - Truth x Stylust x Sgt Pokes - Grampian (4:41)
Brgs - Wu (2:49)
Miss Red - Money Machine (3:42)
GAIKA - GKZ (4:08)
HIGH5 - Vanzemaljci (4:53)
JOTA ESE - francois dompierre (1:57)
Žiga Murko - Cheese Plate05 Cheese Plate (1:21)
T r u s h i n i t a s - when i saw your eyes (1:54)
M O R V E R N - SAY NO MORE (3:21)
The Column - With the Dogs (3:19)
Romantične Boje - Tišina (3:34)
Trivalia - Ruža i krst (3:24)
White Ring - Leprosy (2:38)
Darla Smoking - Golden Blood (4:54)
тпсб - Catching Rare Birds (4:18)
Nesesari Kakalulu - Na sprehodu (5:12)
Samo Salamon Sextet - Black (4:41)
FLO - Jamcoast Dub (ft. Kalambasstik Sound) (3:58)
Kanomotis - Acid (DPND2K) M (4:05)
ziyad - break ft. ELSZ (1:34)
Kamizdat - Zergon: NTU (5:36)
Samuel Kerridge - Silent Notes (5:33)
Warrego Valles - Surprise! No Magic (4:05)
Ossia - Devil's Dance (5:53)
Vigilance - The Lidless Eye (4:44)
Erik Nervous - The Trooper (2:53)
Pauk - Umirem od dosade (2:30)
Thou - The Only Law (4:43)
Murmur Mori - La caccia selvaggia (4:22)
The Palace Brothers - Stable Will (5:49)
John Moreland - Hang Me in the Tulsa County Stars (3:41)
Gillian Welch - Everything Is Free (4:47)
Julien Baker - Happy to Be Here (4:16)
Sirom - Boats, Biding, Beware! (Colni, cakam, cúvaj!) (11:49)
СОЧИ '91 - broken artefact (1:22)
Severed+Said - Psychic Incision (5:35)
Daniel Avery - Stereo L (5:39)
Penelope's Fiance - Self Taught Lies (3:07)
7. 8. 2018 - 15:00